
Zongkhul Monastery


An impressive cave monastery in the Zansker valley of Leh district of Jammu and Kashmir, the Zonghkul is home to some of  the most ancient murals and frescoes of Buddha. The cave monastery of Zongkhul or Dzongkhul belongs to the Drugpa sect of Buddhism. It is believed that Naropa who was an eminent Buddhist yogi built the monastery and used to meditate here.

While exploring the Zongkhul monastery, one can actually witness an impressive collection of artifacts like the ivory image of Samvara, texts depicting the spiritual songs and crystal Stupa. With all these and the images of Buddha, Padmasmbhava, Mahakala and Mitukpa, the Zonghkul monastery is one of the holiest sites of Buddhism.

How to reach

As there is no road access, one has to trek all the way in order to make it to the sacred Zonghkul monastery. For this purpose, the numerous treks like Stongdey and Burdam are available around the region. As per accommodation is concerned, tourists have to make their own arrangements as no hotel facilities are available near the monastery.

Best time to visit

July to early November is considered as the best time to visit the Zonghkul monastery.