
Ladakh is not just a magnificent place but interesting too. Evidently, there are a lot of things about this place that has been known to a lesser number of people even though it is one of the best tourist destinations to visit in India. Known to be the land of high passes and one of the highest settlements of the world; 

Leh Ladakh has always been more than just a destination. It has been emotion and a journey that has filled the hearts and nerves of the travelers. From high and challenging roads to unfathomable natural beauty, scrumptious Ladakhi cuisines to high-altitude settlements- all of this together makes the breathtaking union territory of Ladakh. But like any other place in India Leh-Ladakh also has its secrets and lesser-known facts. 

Being one of the finest destinations of India, Ladakh boasts its serene lakes, beautiful monasteries, rugged mountains, and innumerable jaw-dropping destinations throughout. Besides all this, Leh-Ladakh is also a gem having several colorful festivals and the unmatched charm of its settlement.

Here are 30 Amazing facts about Ladakh that would stir your mind as it is not known to many.

1. Best stargazing locations

Even a lot of travelers who visit Ladakh are unaware of the fact that it is one of the best locations to stargaze. With high-altitude, clear sky, and the second-highest telescope in the world, this is one of the best activities to do in Ladakh. The observatory that is located in Hanle stands at an altitude of an astonishing 4500 m. 

2. Highest settlement in India

Best stargazing ladakh

With cultivation fields standing at approximately 4600 m, Ladakh is considered to be the highest settlement in India. These cultivation fields are situated in Korzok. This makes it even more interesting for the travelers to experience something that is only found here and nowhere else. 

3. The camels of Nubra Valley

The Bactrian Camels or the double-humped camels that are found in the Nubra Valley in Ladakh are only found specifically in this area. This fact might not be new but it is interesting because this rare species is hard to find. In Nubra, you can take a ride on this camel.

Planning a Nubra valley, take a look at popular Hotels in Nubra Valley for a cosy stay

4. The coldest place on earth- Dras

Did you know the fact that Dras a small village is the coldest place in India that’s habited by people and it is also known as the second coldest place inhabited by people in the entire world? The temperature here can go as low as -45 degrees Celsius. 

5. Fact about Pangong Lake

Lakes in Ladakh are breathtakingly beautiful and one of the best amongst them is the Pangong Lake. It is known to be the second-highest saltwater lake in the world and the highest in India. Perched at an altitude of 4350 m Pangong Lake is approximately 134 km in length. But only 30% of this beautiful lake of Ladakh is in India. The rest 70% is in China. To know more about Pangong lake click here!

Also Read: Hotels near Pangong Lake for a relaxed stay

6. Walking on the river

Does that sound familiar? Yes, you heard that right! Walking on the river is possible even for you. One of the most popular treks of Leh Ladakh the Chadar Trek, is done in November, December, January. During this time the Zanskar River freezes from the top and becomes thick ice. People enjoy walking on the frozen river but you can still feel the water flowing below the sheet of ice. Thrilled already? Zanskar is the river where you can enjoy this activity and it is one of a kind in India.

Also read

7. Highest white water rafting point

Zanskar Valley in Ladakh not only provides treks but other adventure spots too. One of the best adventure activities to enjoy in Leh Ladakh is white water rafting and which is enjoyed by people in the Zanskar River. 

8. Hockey championship in Ladakh

Another very interesting thing about Ladakh is that the ITBP which is Indo-Tibetan Border Police organizes a national hockey championship every year during the winter season. It is enjoyed by the members thoroughly. 

9. Last village of Ladakh

According to facts, the last village of Ladakh is named Turtuk. It is the endpoint until where tourism is allowed by the Indian Army. Post that point, the entire region is sensitive and no tourists are allowed to go. 

10. The highest bridge in the world

Located at an astonishing height of 5,602 meters above sea level; the Bailey bridge is the world’s highest bridge and is located in Ladakh. The bridge is built across Suru River and Dras and was built in 1982. It is a very important connection in the map of Ladakh that’s used by the army of India. 

11. The fascinating Magnetic hill

Magnetic hill is the gravity-defying area of Ladakh and an interesting place as well. In this area technically you go down the hill but it looks as if you are climbing the Magnetic hill. This is one of the best places to visit in Ladakh and many travelers do enjoy a quad bike ride at this place. 

12. House to a lot of bird species

Leh Ladakh might be filled with rugged mountains, sheets of snow, and is called the white desert of India; it still is home to a lot of birds. You can spot approximately 220+ bird species in Ladakh which includes several migratory birds and some rare species as well. 

13. Highest battlefield in the world

Apart from all the tourism-related facts, there is another very interesting thing about Ladakh and that’s having the highest battlefield. The Siachin Glacier that is guarding point of India was the highest altitude battlefield in 1972 during the Indo-Pakistan war. 

14. The roof of Leh- Leh Palace

One of the finest attractions of Leh Ladakh is the Leh Palace. It was built in the 17th century by king Namgyal. It is a 9-story building and the way Leh Ladakh is called the roof of India, Leh Palace is termed as the roof of Leh. 

15. Land of colorful festivals

 If you were to compare the number of festivals that are celebrated here, there is no other state in the entire country that has the numbers more than Ladakh. There are approximately 25-30 colorful festivals celebrated in Leh Ladakh throughout the year. One can enjoy their time if they are at the right place at the right time. 

16. Interesting calendar

Apart from every other thing, the people of Ladakh follow an interesting calendar. True, the newly made union territory is a part of India but they don’t follow the calendar the rest of the country follows. They have 12 months each having 30 days for 2 years consecutively. The third-year then has 13 months. The months don’t have a name here and only a number. The days of the week are named after the sun, moon, and 5-visible planets. 

17. Teaching the art of self-defense

Not many people know about this, but women under the age of 25 are motivated to learn the art of self-defense. Those interested are taught in the nunnery of Drukpa the techniques of Kung-Fu. One of the best ways to defend yourself in times of need. This will be probably one of the best facts about Ladakh for you, right?

18. The most number of challenging roads

Although BRO (Border Road Organization) works really hard to keep the roads of Ladakh in the best condition but not every section is. There are a few patches that throw a lot of challenges even to avid bikers and drivers. These challenging roads are the reason why travelers wish for a road trip to Ladakh

19. Diversity in Flora

One of the best things about Leh- Ladakh is the diversity of Fauna. There are various places like the Tso Moriri, Leh, or Nubra where you get to see a lot of different species of fauna. But the place is also thriving with several species of Flora. One of the finest places in Ladakh is Hemis National Park for witnessing the variety of flora that’s on offer for tourists to watch. 

20. High-altitude hockey rink

The Karzoo region of Ladakh has the highest-altitude natural ice hockey rink in the world. It was developed and used in the 70s for the first time. Since then it has been one of the prime locations of Leh-Ladakh for travelers during winter.

21. Land on the moon

Not many places in the entire world are fascinating. But Leh-Ladakh is both and that too at the same time. One of the best places to visit in Ladakh is Lamayuru. When you reach here it feels as if you have landed on the moon. The white sheet of snow perfectly replicates the moon’s surface and looks amazing. 

22. Tso Moriri is higher than Pangong Tso

Although you will find a number of people around Pangong Lake when compared to that around Tso Moriri; these two lakes are almost equal in terms of serenity and beauty. Tso Moriri is one of the highest-altitude lakes in India and even higher than Pangong.

23. Most popular trekking peak

A lot of adventure activities take place in Ladakh and one of them is trekking. Although there are several places to enjoy this sport one amongst the avid trekkers is popular and that’s Stok Kangri. Trekkers ensure that they do not miss out on this trail. 

24. Popular alcohol of Ladakh

Every state has something special that lures people. It can be food, drinks, natural beauty, visiting spots, or any other things. When it comes to Ladakh, you get all of these and many more in abundance. One of the highlights of Ladakh is Chhang. It is the local alcohol that is formulated there and savored by them. If you can and get a chance; do try it out. 

25. Have some soupy momos

Cuisines of Ladakh are popular for their uniqueness and mouth-watering taste. One of their great tastes is Mokthuk. It is a combination of momos that are sautéed in different soups.

26. Yak as delicacy

The Ladakhi yaks are not only one of the valuable animals of the newly made union territory but also a mouth-watering delicacy for them.

27. Pangong Lake is featured in Bollywood

True! Although a lot of people are familiar now Pangong Lake has been featured in Bollywood as well. This has increased its popularity amongst other travelers as well.

28. The majestic Maitreya Buddha Jampa

One of the finest attractions of Ladakh in Nubra Valley is the 32m tall Maitreya Buddha Jampa. This statue is one of the best attractions of Diskit Monastery in the village that goes by the same name as the monastery. People visit here and enjoy their time clicking pictures around the statue. 

29. The highest number of snow leopards

One of the best places to visit in Ladakh- Hemis National Park is also the place where you get the most snow leopards in the world. It is a protected area where this species is thriving.

30. The highest pass in Ladakh

The highest pass in Ladakh is the Marsimek La which is also one of the highest motorable passes in the world. Marsimek La is open for civilians and at a daunting altitude of 5582m, it is a thrilling place to visit. On your next trip to Ladakh, if you wish to visit this pass you will have to take the army permission (inner line permit) beforehand to access this pass. 

These were the 30 interesting facts on Ladakh. Some of them are known to groups of people and some are probably new even for those who have visited the place already. Let us know in the comment below if we missed out on something that’s even more interesting.